Student Solution


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Module 3- discussion assignment_ Business Organization and Management

Module 3- discussion assignment_ Business Organization and Management

Q As stated in the textbook “The organizational strategy determines the plan for the organization, the charted course that is necessary for achieving the organization’s goals—the vision”. In your opinion, why is strategy so important? What is the possible downside(s) of not being able to identify the best strategy for your organization?

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After reviewing the textbook, it can be said that strategy plays a major role in identifying and constructing the strategies for an organization. It is indeed very important to develop certain methods and processes that indicates direct growth and development of the organization and provides basic knowledge and understanding of how to draw major segments for achieving better goals. It can be said that strategy is considered to be so important as it helps in providing a sense of direction and also outlines measurable goals. Strategic planning is considered as a tool which is very useful for day to day guidance and also helps in evaluating the progress and changes that are moving forward at a fast pace.